The Group _ Grupo de Capoeira Angola N’Golo

Capoeira Angola N’golo Group was founded in 1991, in the municipality of Nova Iguaçu, by Mestre José Carlos.

N’golo in its formation had the support of some capoeirista (capoeira practitioners), in addition to several students, who together with Mestre José Carlos have been maintaining the group’s activities. The name “N’golo” was the idea of ​​Dona Rosemery,  Mestre José Carlos’ wife. This choice came about because it is in this way called a ritual of the African tribes of Angola, based on the mating rite of the zebras, which was carried out by the young people of these tribes, where the one who was more skilled could choose the one he would marry. N’golo in Brazil, among blacks brought slaves, originated capoeira angola within the slave quarters. Therefore, in view of the group’s intention to preserve and rescue the traditions of this capoeira, it figured in the most appropriate name to highlight our work proposal and identification with it.

Mestre Moraes (Pedro Moraes Trindade), for a time was one of Pastinha’s disciples, and most of his legacy came through Mestre João Grande, who at the time of his entry into the academy of the late Mestre was the one who ministered the classes. In the 70s, Mestre Moraes came to Rio de Janeiro to teach Capoeira Angola. In the 12 years he spent here, he formed the Masters Marco Aurélio, Braga, Neco and José Carlos – founder of the Capoeira Group Angolo N’Golo. These masters are currently committed to the rescue and preservation of Capoeira Angola.

Currently, the Capoeira Angola N’golo Group passes on to its followers the philosophy of life of Capoeira Angola, its vitality and balance; historical and theoretical knowledge; the rhythm of the berimbau, and the songs that underlie the ritual of the capoeira game.

The Master _ José Carlos Gonçalves

Mestre José Carlos began his apprenticeship with the Capoeira Angola Group Mestre Moraes in Rio de Janeiro in 1973.
On December 16, 1978 Mestre de Capoeira Angola was formed by his Mestre, at Parque Lage in Rio de Janeiro.

Founder, among other capoeiristas, of GCAP – Grupo de Capoeira Angola Pelourinho on October 5, 1980 at the Cosme Velho handicraft fair in Rio de Janeiro.

In 1983 he started working with Capoeira Angola in Nova Iguaçu, Baixada Fluminense, RJ. During 1991, he definitively left the Capoeira Angola Pelourinho Group (GCAP) and founded the Capoeira Angola N’Golo Group on December 10, 1991.

On November 24, 1992 the Achilles tendon breaks. He moves away from the game and not from capoeira, he is operated on March 4, 1993 and the Achilles tendon is restored. His return to the Capoeira game took place on November 16, 1993 at the State University of Rio de Janeiro, during the 1st National Symposium on Studies and Debates on Capoeira.

In February 1994, without space, he returned to training in the backyard at his home, with a part of the group formed.

He started teaching Capoeira classes at the Irmãos Reis Academy, in Catete, in 1995. In February 1997, at the invitation of Mestre Braga, he went to the UNE building, in Catete. Grupo N’Golo left the CCARJ and finished his classes at UNE in early 2002, using the G.R.B.C. Santa Teresa clapper, for classes and training. During the period 2003-2005 the Capoeira Angola N’Golo Group occupied one of the rooms of the Laurinda Santos Lobo Cultural Center.

Currently, Grupo N’Golo conducts its training and classes at Mercado das Pulgas, in Santa Teresa, and also has new spaces in the neighborhoods of Tijuca and Urca, in Rio de Janeiro. Soon, N’Golo will again practice in the city of Fortaleza, Ceará.


Practice _ Come play Capoeira!

The Capoeira Angola N’Golo Group conducts its training in three different spaces. Classes are taught by Mestre José Carlos and are supported by the most experienced students.

Rua Almirante Alexandrino – Largo dos Guimarães – Santa Teresa, RJ
Mondays and Wednesdays from 7pm to 10pm / Saturdays from 10am to 1pm

Rua São Sebastião, 135 – Urca, RJ
Mondays and Wednesdays from 4pm to 6pm

Rua da Cascata, nº 83 – Tijuca, RJ
Fridays from 4pm to 6pm


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